Did you always want to be an author?
I wanted to be a LOT of things growing up…a vet, an actress, a scientist, a make-up artist, a designer, a dancer…but writing is something I LOVED to do. English was a no-brainer. Essays? ADORED them. Book reports? BRING it. Calculus? Um, oh, just no. Throughout my studies, I usually had a creative writing outlet, whether it was a class, a journal or stories that I wrote and shared with my friends, or kept private – I always had something brewing. So I suppose the short answer to that question is…YES.  

Why do you write for young adults? 

You know that inner child everyone is supposed to have? Well, mine is sixteen. I’ve tried my hand at different genres but my voice always led me back to young adult. I love that it’s such an emotionally charged part of life. Everything is new. Everything is epic. 

Where do your ideas come from? 

Everywhere. The recipe for my ideas would read something like this: A little bit of personal experience…tossed in with a LOT of imagination…some occasional hard-boiled (a.k.a. fun) research…and an awful lot of staring into space. 

What’s your typical writing day like? 

One of the best things about writing is there is no such thing as a typical day. When I’m in first draft mode…I tend to procrastinate. I get impatient and easily distracted – ooh, sale at Target? See ya! I never used to be a word count person, but when I’m trying to hit a goal, it really helps. I also like to use the Pomodoro Technique - where you focus for twenty minutes, then take a short break. First drafts are daunting, so breaking it down into smaller sections helps me. I start to breathe easier when I hit about 30K. That’s usually when a story starts taking shape for me.

Revision is my favorite. (Although I have to remind myself of this after reading an editorial letter.) I love re-imagining a story, sometimes nixing scenes and starting from scratch. Turning a first draft into a finished novel, can be like a puzzle - where scenes in the middle work better up front, or vice versa. It’s always miraculous to me to see a story shape up into something new. I like to get up early in the morning during revision, when my mind is at its freshest! I read my work in the afternoon, making notes on what I want to do the following day. That way I know what I need to work on!

Revision on deadline, however, can be, well, intense. I tend to eat chocolate. Skip exercising. Question every life choice I’ve ever made. Forget to get a haircut. Walk around muttering to myself, and try really hard not to alienate those around me. Even with all of that, I prefer this stage over first drafting!

Do you ever experience writer’s block?
Shhh!! (knocks wood) Sometimes. If I ever feel blocked I try and figure out why. Sometimes it means I’m overthinking or tried to do too much too soon. I switch gears, get out and get some fresh air. Or go to a movie. Do anything to fill up the well.   

Plotter or Panster?
Both? I usually work out a rough outline for a book, but as I’m writing - if a character or scene decides to take a different direction I go with it. Usually after a first draft, I outline again because I have a better idea of where I want to go and what I’m trying to say.  

Critique group or lone wolf?
CRITIQUE GROUP! Or critique partner. Writing is such a lonely endeavor and you can honestly become a little, um, squirrely if left alone with your imaginary friends too long. Reclusive, eccentric, bestselling authors can get away with this, but it’s important to have some writer pals. You know those friends who will hold your hair back when you puke or lie and say you’re staying over their house when you’re not? Yeah, they got nuthin’ on writer buds. I can safely say I wouldn’t be sitting here, typing this, if I hadn’t been in a critique group. My writer pals have been there to network, cheer me on and talk me off the ledge of “I quit” more than several times. Oh, and they point out plot holes too, which is all kinds of nifty. Just don’t expect them to figure out how to split the dinner check. Seriously. We all go mute.

Agent or no agent?
Agent! Agents do more than sell your manuscript for you. They advise. They nurture. They deal with your neurotic questions. They are your liaison with your publishing house and make sense of confusing contract terms. Oh, and they are awfully nice too.  

How did you land your agent?
I connected with my agent through the 2009 Get Your Stiletto in The Door contest run by ChickLitWriters.com. Getting an agent wasn’t the prize in the contest (that was a $50.00 Amazon gift card!!) but I knew my manuscript would be exposed to people who could help me. It was like getting a golden ticket to Hollywood Week on American Idol! Not only did I win but my agent was one of the judges for my category and requested a full when the contest was over. I revised the manuscript according to her feedback before sending it back and two weeks later had an offer of representation. That contest changed my life.  

Do you wear stilettos?
I wish. More of a flip-flop, strappy sandal, TOMS sort of chick. But they are sooooo pretty!!!  

Any advice to give aspiring writers?
Write. Write. And write some more. As cliché as it sounds…believe in yourself and your ability. Read, read and read some more. Study your genre but also read for fun!! Join a writing organization. It’s a great source of contacts. Go to conferences, sit down, talk to the person next to you. Find someone other than your family to read your work. It might take a lot of trial and error but you will find The One (or the ones). Query. Don’t take rejections personally. At all. Even if sometimes it feels personal. And be persistent!! Oh, and make sure you go out and goof off now and again. Get some sun in your eyes. Floss. Splurge on a good office chair. And a rhinestone studded stapler. You know, just because.